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welcome to general improvement
This portal presents a collective body of artworks undertaken under the name, and by the principle, of General Improvement.
A combination of performances, paintings, writings and community involvement, the visible side of General Improvement has explored various aspects of communication, urban interactions and social responsibility. The concept has been applied and debated over the years but, as a paradigm, General Improvement remains an optimistic theory of change. Read more...
Below are the several facets of General Improvement.
The Office is an archive of the various performance work and painting series completed since 1999.
The Library is a collection of texts written in an academic context and that have been recognized as worthy reading.
The Playroom presents a range of entertaining features that will amaze the mind and dazzle the eye. It is a place where are broadcast these projects undertaken with no intended purposes beyond experimenting and passing the time in an entertaining fashion.
Live work presents several ongoing performance projects and provides links to a blog where these are kept up to date.
Please explore, enjoy and comment; all improvement suggestions will be taken seriously.